Sometimes it is useful to produce printed materials with Braille or Sign Language Fonts. This page serves as a resource of free fonts. A good source for ASL (Mac and Windows) fonts is University of Oregon Yamada Language Center Sign font page or Luc Devroye Sign language font page . A good source for Braille (Mac and Windows) fonts is Luc Devroye braille font page .
Windows Fonts
Note: all font files are self-extracting zip files. After downloading, execute (double-click) the file, then copy the font file into your font directory.
APHont - embodies characteristics that have been shown to enhance reading speed, comprehension, and comfort for large print users.
Download Braille Latin font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Moreover, you can embed it to your website with @font-face support. Font TTF packages are compatible with all Microsoft computer versions, and you can download fonts that will install on Windows 2003, 2007, Windows XP, Windows 7, Vista and other versions. Font TTF packages can also be installed on Macs and open source Linux computers such as Ubuntu very easily. Duxbury DBT for Windows (DBT Win 12.5 SR3) Industry leading software. Runs on 32-bit and 64-bit. NOTE: fonts in this location can only be used by the specified user. Macintosh: installation on Mac OS 8.6 to 9 and Mac OS X ‘Classic’ Before installing, quit all active applications. Copy or move all the OpenType (.otf) font files into the System Folder/Fonts folder. They must be loose inside this folder, not in a sub-folder. The Brill Typeface v. 4.0 Complete List of Characters; Brill Fonts End User License Agreement; The Brill Typeface Package v. 4.0 (zip file) Brill Roman.
Braille Fonts
- Braille Swell Paper font Braille-Swell.ttf (7k) from Duxbury Systems
- Braille True Type font with shadow (place holder) dots simbrl.exe (40k) from Duxbury Systems
- Braille True Type font braille.exe (68k) from Duxbury Systems
- Braille True Type font rnibbrl.exe (40k) from RNIB (no shadow dots)
- Adobe Postscript (Type 1) font with and without shadow dots braille1.exe (55k) [Note: you must have Adobe Type Manager to use this font]
- Braille Kiama True Type font (no shadow dots) brlkiama.exe (46k)
Note: Braille Kiama at the 20 point size is excellent for use with Swell paper - WOW! 3-D braille font , looks like raised dots (no shadow dots) 3dbraille.exe(47.5k) from France -includes the letter 'W'
- Another True Type Braille font (no shadow dots) Braillettf.exe (44k) from France -includes the letter 'W'
- Braille Font with shadow dots abraille.exe (47.5K) from Urban Fonts - Astigmatic One Eye Foundry Fonts .
- Tiger Embosser Braille29 font from ViewPlus Technologies (install the driver, Tiger Braille Fonts for many languages are available)
California Braille Font
Sign Language Fonts
- American sign language True Type font from Gallaudet gal.exe (71k)
- Sign language True Type font from France handsign.exe (57k)
- Another Sign font from France signes.exe (99.5k)
Macintosh Fonts
OS X (10.5+) has the following braille fonts permanently installed in /System/Library/Fonts
- Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot.ttf
- Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot.ttf
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot.ttf
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot.ttf
Unicode Braille Fonts
Braille Font Download Mac Os
- Deja Vu Sans (a large font with lots of scripts)
- gh ASCII and Unicode Braille (from MathSpeak, includes other fonts from Nemeth and other uses)
Braille Font Download Mac Free

Braille Fonts only for Macs pre-OS X
- Duxbury Braille Fonts duxbraille.sit (38k)
- Braille Font File: braille.hqx (39k)
- Braille Font with shadow (place holder) dots abraille.sit.hqx (15K) from Astigmatic One Eye Font Foundry
Sign Language Fonts only for Macs pre-OS X
- American Sign Language Font from Gallaudet gal.sit (38k)
- Sign Language True Type Font handsigntt.sit(55k)
- Another ASL font (download both files) Font File:asl.hqx (7k) Information File: asl.inf (.3k)